
We Love History

PastView is a search service for genealogists, researchers and heritage professionals.

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Get the full picture

Our service provides historical photos and maps in your areas of interest for your research projects.

Gleeful Genealogists

Make your genealogy project stand out. We research and provide historical photographs, maps and other oddities to give your genealogy research project even more context.


Happy Historians

Visulise the story of your important places with primary source historical photographs and detailed maps, all provided digitally in a report.



Meet Neil Saunders Our Chief Sleuth

Neil loves nothing more than scouring the Libraries, Archives and dusty corners of the Internet to find the historical content you need for your research project. Since founding Geopast in 2009, Neil has helped customers from all over the world.

For a site specific historical search, order a PastView report today. Neil is also available for bespoke research services. Get in touch today to discuss.

Frequently Ask Questions

Here's our top questions.


What do I get when I order?

You'll receive a PDF report which contains the historical photos, maps and usually some other "surprise" items that are relevent to your research enquiry.

Yes! We will always try to source the highest resolution photographs, maps and other digital deliverables that we can.

Yes! We can search multiple sites and provide a report for each. Discount available for 10 or more sites. Get in touch today to discuss.

Typically 2 business days to get your results depending on the location of your site. If you need a faster service, just let us know when you place the order and we'll see what we can do.

Happy Customers

Our Industries

Our clients come from a variety of industries all seeking historical knowledge and evidence related to places.


Photos and Maps are a perfect way to make your ancestors' story come to life. See the places they saw in their own time.

Home History

See your home or neighbourhood through time. Photos and Maps help to visualise the history of your special places.

Heritage Consultancy

We provide photographic evidence of a particular site history to support your heritage assessments.